Leadership in AI

Crafting your vision and strategy
invitation to our event

Effixis, in collaboration with Prompt University, welcomes you to the second webinar in our series to develop a strategic vision for AI. This webinar will guide you through the complexity of Generative AI. It has been built for a wide range of audiences, from AI enthusiasts to sceptics, and offers insights and tools adapted for different phases of AI adoption.



The workshop, presented by Melvin Kian, will last for 45 minutes and is divided into three main sections:

1️⃣ Practical Applications (25 minutes): Focuses on practical applications, including:
– Use Cases: Discussion of three concrete use cases (Event Planning, Project Status, Reports/Performance) and their bottom-up approach.
– Vocabulary and Capabilities: Introduction to relevant vocabulary, capabilities, and limitations of the tools.

2️⃣ Workplace Impact (10 minutes): Examines the broader business impact, featuring:
– Business Landscape: Insights from a McKinsey report, the future of work considerations, and a segmentation of participants (Champions, Enthusiasts, Pragmatics).

3️⃣ AI Roadmap & Framework (10 minutes): Outlines strategic development and vision crafting, including:
– Strategic Path and Structural Framework: Steps for formation, prompts, webinar details, and a cheat sheet.
– Vision Crafting: Guidance on crafting a vision and framework for use cases.
– POV on AI: Discussion on various points of view regarding AI, presenting two extremes and our vision.

🚀 Join us as we help you to advance your leadership in the digital era.

Leadership in AI

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Melvin Kian

CEO of Prompt University

Past events

Every event we’ve been a part of tells a story of our commitment to work together and lead the change in AI. Dive into our archives and discover the impact we’ve made at each one.

International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva

Watch our workshop: How Artificial Intelligence facilitates Idea Growth?

17 Apr

Generative AI

Wired Brains Café – Session 3

Opportunities & Challenges in Deploying Gen AI

25 Apr



Join world leaders in AI and machine learning

24 Mar


#TechDemo x Effixis : Creating your own ChatGPT

AI applications that are specifically tailored for your industry and customized adaptations for SMEs

27 Feb


Workshop : L’IA au service de l’industrie

L’IA au service de l’industrie : Démystifier les mythes, apprécier les réalités.

14 Mar

Generative AILearning

Generative AI Demystified

A roadmap for HR & Change Management Leaders

17 Oct


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